Team AICOG 66 wishes all of you a very Happy New Year
It’s a matter of proud privilege and great pleasure for The Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society of Hyderabad to host the prestigious "66th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2024" at HICC, Hyderabad.
The congress aims at emphasizing the most recent trends, advancements in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and will focus on the Themes “Obstetric Medicine, Emerging Technologies in Obgyn, Reproductive Consequences of Environmental Changes, Sexual, Reproductive Health and Pelvic Medicine”.
The annual scientific conference brings together Obstetricians, Gynaecologists, healthcare professionals, researchers, practitioners, post graduate students, clinicians and other professionals from all corners of the globe to update their knowledge and abilities. Learning and incorporating newer Obstetrics & Gynaecological strategies helps in enhanced quality of care and improved patient outcomes.
The conference will focus on the operational, clinical tools necessary to successfully implement quality and evidence-based care models and stay current with changing trends affecting our fraternity. The conference presents a platform for keynote presentations, plenary talks, workshops, poster presentations and exhibitions, as well as a discussion forum that provides valuable insights.
We hope to provide a scientific extravaganza that spans the entire field of obstetrics & Gynaecology with this conference. Experts and specialists from India and abroad will be throwing light on a wide range of topics.
We cordially invite you to join us at AICOG 2024 for cherishing a wholesome experience for learning and further foster the friendships and partnerships among fraternity built over the years. We are confident that this conference will remain etched vividly in your memories for a long time.
Looking forward to see you all at AICOG 2024, Hyderabad.
President FOGSI
President Elect FOGSI
Hon. Treasurer FIGO
Imm Past President FOGSI
Organising Chairperson
Secretary General FOGSI
Organising Secretary
Organising Secretary
Scientific Committee
Vice Chairperson
Scientific Committee
President OGSH
Secretary OGSH